Lennox & Addington County, Ontario
(+1) 416 918 0986
We provide compost products and services
We look forward to creating relationships with growers everywhere. This isn't about just testing or selling products that supposedly make things grow better. This is about regenerating ecosystems, livelihoods, communities, food security, and health. Call us for a chat, let us hear your story and share it with others.

Site visit & field analysis
We enjoy meeting folk, touring the operation, listening to stories and discussing ideas. Boots on the ground is always a great start.

Soil Biology Report
Measuring the groups of microbiology in the soil gives you a clear idea of current status and momentum of soil health. Submit your soil samples, and receive a report that includes reccomendations for increasing biology.

Compost, teas, and extracts
We make-to-order thermophilic compost products that are made with onsite-produced inputs.