Lennox & Addington County, Ontario
(+1) 416 918 0986
About Soil Nerd compost
About Soil Nerd compost
BioComplete is a trademarked standard for the sake of creating a method which is repeateable as well as qualified through testing. When growing crops in a regenerative setting where living soil and the holobiont is your focus, BioComplete compost proeducts are the way to go.

In Soil Food Web practices we want to move the fungal to bacterial ratio higher. We ensure the piles test to 1:1 fungi to bacteria ratio. We ship a product on the dryer side to reduce weight and cost, so active F:B will be lower, but have created many spores for you to rebuild the mycelia in your soil.
We take crea into the materuals we use. The high nitrogen come pastured hens supplemented with organic grain. The greens are forbes grown on site to seed-head stage to maximize the amount and diversity of nutrients accumulated in the plant. The carbon is mainly ash killed by borer beetle years ago. The water is rainwater from a catchment pond.
Local supply chain
All inputs to the compost are produced onsite with exceptoion to organic chicken feed which is locally produced in Ontario. We try to use as much biodegradable material as possible and avoid any plastics beyond packing tape.
BioComplete with 1:1 F:B
In Soil Food Web practices we want to move the fungal to bacterial ratio higher. We ensure the piles test to 1:1 fungi to bacteria ratio. We ship a product on the dryer side to reduce weight and cost, so active F:B will be lower, but have created many spores for you to rebuild the mycelia in your soil.